Tea and Toast Networking Breakfast, Tuesday 30th April
We are delighted to host our upcoming No Limits Trading Tea and Toast Networking event.
The idea behind this is to provide an opportunity for social enterprises, schools and local businesses/organisations to come together and meet to look at ways of working together.
Starting at 8 am, toast and hot drinks will be available at our office at 35 The Avenue, Southampton SO17 1XN, until 9:30 am.
At the last event, Shanel from the University of Southampton told us about the internships they offer and No Limits Trading have put in a request for 2 interns to work on different project this summer.
Please click on the link below to confirm your attendance and please feel free to share this with your colleagues https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tea-and-toast-networking-breakfast-tickets-58522978805