Tea & Toast replaced by Pancakes in February
Our usual monthly Tea & Toast Networking Breakfast held on the last Tuesday of the month is being replaced, for one month only, by No Limits Pancake Networking event on Tuesday 25th February.
Gill and I will be attending the No Limits Pancakes Event from 7 am to 9 am so hope to see you there!
This is a great opportunity to find out more about No Limits work with young people up to the age of 26 years, see behind the scenes at No Limits Advice Centre in Southampton’s High Street and see how No Limits can support you in helping the people you work with too. This can also provide you with a wider net of new contacts.
To book a pancake! Go to: www.nolimitshelp.org.uk/support-us/upcoming-events/ If you use code NLT2020, you will get in for £12.50 instead of £15.